Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let the Fun Begin...

So, another October equals another tour.  Another month of fall festivals, pumpkin picking & carving and costume creating as a "single" mom.  Now, my hats off to the single moms out there...those who raise their kids alone for months at a time while Daddy is deployed and those who are true single parents doing this Mommy or Daddy thing solo.  This isn't a piece of cake & you are my heros...

Today actually went rather smoothly.  We started with Joel's alarm going off at 6am which woke up everyone in the house--earlier than necessary.  I love my husband, but the man has no idea what it means to be quiet when the rest of the house is still sleeping.  By 6:15am, he's said goodbye to me 4 x's and I have 2 extra little bodies in my bed with another awake & dressed in her room.  Let me just add here that I don't do mornings--I have a mug that has a picture of Tinkerbell saying "Mornings Are Not Magical."  This did not set me in the best mood, but it DID mean we were not rushed to get to the bus stop. 

Jamison & I had a great day--we went to his exercise class, we had lunch & after his nap we took a walk to get the girls from the bus stop.  That's when it got exciting.  Basically, the rest of the night went like this...rush Big J to horse riding lesson, fight with Middle & Little J to get back in the car.  Drive home for a short check into email while Little J successfully rips one door off family room entertainment center.  Drive back to get Big J.  Fight with Little J to stay out of mud, leave the big rocks on the ground, get in the car...drive back home.  Throw frozen pizza rolls in oven & sit Big J in kitchen to work on homework while Middle J sits in dining room working on homework.  Fight with Little J to keep him from playing with oven door, microwave buttons & radio timer.  Dinner on the table, everyone enjoying dinner, jump up after about 3 bites to answer phone call from mortgage company calling to schedule closing date for refinancing that Daddy J has been working on for the last several weeks.  Explain situation of hubby out of town & agree to call him to get some answers.  Meanwhile, all Js want MORE food, Momma!  Reheat oven, watch my food get cold & try to keep cool as hubby answers phone and explains that he can't get me my answers right then because HIS food--which has been prepared FOR him & which he does not have to SHARE with anyone of a single digit age--has just arrived at the table.  I kept my cool, but also got what I was calling for, no doubt.  While talking to mortgage company again, I stop the race that has begun down the hall.  More hot pizza rolls for Big & Middle J but too hot to eat right away.  Off to shower & baths....then finish homework & reading for the read-a-thon fundraiser.  Oh then the phone rings again--and it's the lady scheduled to meet Joel for closing tomorrow...again, when I call him to give him her number it's not really a good time. This time he's at the liquor store.  But he doesn't bother calling me back--he just requests a text with the info I was going to give him on the phone.  To his defense, it IS hard being on tour... 

8:30 my children are finally in bed.  Momma's exausted.  And we've only got 1 day down...there are still 20 to go...I'm waiting for the "fun" to begin!

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