Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Boy

I tell him everyday that he's my Main Man.  I just love him.

While I was away last week (which is a WHOLE blog entry in itself:  Sister Adventure 2011), Jamison decided he wanted to learn to ride the big boy bike with training wheels that his cousins gave him, rather than his little boy tricycle.  When I got home, we set out on a family bike trip at the park.  Joel & I took turns staying back with pokey puppy and going ahead with the girls.  At the end of the trip, I was riding with the boy.  We were going past a little pond that has a bridge & on the path where we were riding there were photographers taking family pictures on either side of us.  In our effort to avoid hitting the people & also stay on the path, I ended up "tripping" over him with my bike.  Basically, we both tumbled over and got tangled in the bikes.  Immediately there was panic & crying because he was SURE something had to be bleeding, but once he checked himself out & realized there was no blood he calmed down.  His next concern was Momma.  My ankle was stuck all up in my bike pedal & the bike was laying on top of me, but what did my boy first ask me about?

Laying a hand upon my breast he said "Mommy, do you have ouchies here?"

"No honey, no ouchies there.  Just my leg, thank you."

While some may say he is a typical man--yes.  But remember that my breasts have been quite the topic of discussion, concern & attention in his short 3 years of life.

So, yesterday I had a post-op appointment with the nurse at the hospital just to make sure everything is healing.  The nurse was so impressed by his patience & ability to just sit reading his book while we talked.  After the appointment we had a lunch date--his choice.  What else is a 3yr old going to pick but McDonalds!  After we finished our "main course" he asked for a $1 hot fudge sundae for dessert.  I just couldn't resist him.

Could you say no to that face?

So, he had about 4 bites of his ice cream & then we headed home.  What a sweet boy--my Main Man.

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