Monday, March 28, 2011


I thought it might be time for a progress report regarding my training for the Cancer to 5K.

I don't know if you've been wondering how things are going or not, but I'm here to make a report as we get into Week 3.  I'm still here!  My training schedule is set for 3 days of running/week--they are sets of 1 min jog/1 min walk--and increasing number of sets along the way.  On the "rest" days I'm getting in some walk time for the 3 Day or a pilates session if time is running short in my day.  All in all, I'm pleased with my progress.  A few things I have learned so far...

#1  I cannot be a perfect runner just because I've started training.  There's a training program in place to create a runner out of me, but it's not an overnight thing.  I'm having a hard time with this one...

#2  No matter how many times you explain to husband that he's not allowed to comment/critique/advise, he still will at the worst possible time.

#3  Trust Coach Bob.

#4  Diet & fitness talk during coffee morning chat with BFF should not be shared with husband unless there's a desire for it come back and bite me in the butt later.

#5  While I still struggling with belief that I will ever be able to run longer than 1 minute at a time without feeling like my heart & lungs might explode, I already see/feel progress.

Let me just reiterate that this running thing is something I've never been interested in, enjoyed or was ever good at.  Someone I met recently, who is a runner herself, said she couldn't wait to hear how it felt when I got that "Runner's High."  I suspect I'll be one of the ones who doesn't get it.  But, another friend asked me if I thought I might continue running for exercise when this training session ends.  And that's something I just can't answer yet. I must admit that I don't dread the workouts like I thought I would.  YAY for that!  And thanks to my trusted Replenex, my knees aren't bothering me like I worried they would.  

So, as of today, I am still on track!  Joel's brother & his wife--both very athletic individuals--were in town this weekend & the one compliment Joel's given me was that he admits I don't look awkward when I run.  Hmmm, I wonder if he thought I was going to be embarrassing during this venture?  Regardless, it's good to know that I "look" like a natural runner...even if I CERTAINLY don't feel like it!  

One of the things that really keeps me going is just knowing that my girls are watching me every time I go out to do my workout.  And I know they know this is new for me--unknown territory.  My hope is that they will see the courage it takes for me to do these things that are out of my comfort zone & will allow themselves to set goals & pursue dreams that others might tell them are not possible or even silly.  

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. --Walt Disney, Entrepreneur

Dreams get squashed way too early in life for so many of us...dare to dream.  It's when we have a dream that we're after that makes life enjoyable!  


  1. You need to give yourself some huge pats on the back for sticking with this and following through. You are incredible!

  2. A late comment:

    Runners highs are overrated - coming from one who has never had one. Run 'cause you want to or because you enjoy it, not because it gets you high.

    The fitness will come. You've already seen the beginnings of it. You'll be amazed what you will have accomplished by then end of the program.

    Coach Bob.

    PS - I specially like #3
