Monday, January 16, 2012


Saw this as I was browsing around on Facebook last week...

It really made me think.  In fact, I listened to a business training around that same time & wrote down a few of the things she said about the new year...

"This year is gonna come & it's gonna go.  Some people are gonna die.  Some people will give birth.  The only way it'll be different than last year is if you attack it differently."--Dani Johnson

So, it's something to consider as we're already half way through January 2012.  Are you happy with how 2011 turned out?  Did you accomplish all those New Years Resolutions you put out there last year?  And if not, how will you make this year different?

1 comment:

  1. I did not accomplish all my goals, but I moved foward towards all of them. I gained more self respect for my abilities and a better understanding of my limitations. I made new friends that have added so much to my life and I learned that the only one who can truely take care of me is me. I also was educated to understand that I don't have to do what I don't want to do...and I can think about things I must do in a different that I can be in positive movement forward at all times. I now have opportunities instead of have toos! I would not change a thing about brought me to here...and to happy!
