Friday, September 24, 2010

I Am A Mom

I got a card in the mail this week from a friend sending some love & laughter in my recovery...and I wanted to share...

Top 5 Ways you know you are talking to a Mom...

5. She can complete an entire conversation in 1.5 minutes...including hugs & tears.
4.  In the middle of that conversation, she may stop and yell "LOOK!  FIRETRUCK!"
3.  You can't stop staring at the various stains on her shirt.
2.  She has no clue what's happening in the world, but can tell you every detail of her child's bowel movements.
1.  She frequently forgets what she was talking about.

So, this card made me laugh because the truth of this was so real yesterday when I was on the phone with my single, doctor sister.  She was telling me about work and the residents she's working with & the disecting of skin & other tissue samples...and then my turn came telling her what's going on in my world.  My story was about Jamison sitting at the kitchen table drawing with his sister when he screamed "Uh Oh" and as Joel grabbed him to run to the potty a big round turd fell on my kitchen floor.  To which Jackie responds--"That smells like horse poop....and kinda looks big enough to BE horse poop too!" 

Yep, welcome to my world...I am a mom.