Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm not sure if it's just because I'm a mom, but I am a light sleeper.  If my kids wake up coughing across the hall, I hear it.  If the dogs bark from the basement, I hear it.  Even when the power goes out & the "white noise" falls silent in the house, I immediately wake up.  And that happened this morning at 6am.  My alarm was set for 6:30....argh!   Surprise, surprise, Josie Mae was in our bed....and she got scared by the power being out.   In case you didn't know, I don't do mornings very well.  Her insistence that she was scared--laying in bed between me & her father--was frustrating me as I just wanted my final 30 minutes of peaceful sleep before the day began.  But then, we hear Bubba.  The silence had woken him also & he was startled by the lack of light from his nightlight.  But he didn't cry for me...he just yelled "Uh, Girls?  GIRLS?!?!?"  My boy doesn't want me, but his cute is that?

So, Daddy lit up his phone & Bubba followed the light to my bed where the 2 munchkins kept me awake till my alarm went off at 6:30.  Good morning, Momma!

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