Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What am I worth?

Recently a chain of events & discussions led me to question what I am worth to my family.  And by "worth", I actually mean monetarily.  I know what I would get paid if I went back to teaching & I know how much I would have to pay to put my little man in daycare each day.  But what I wanted to know is how much am I worth staying home--and not including the paycheck I do receive each month from my business.  As a mom who does not leave my home to work, what is my worth?

Neat thing about computers is that you can google just about anything, right?  So I typed it in "stay at home worth in 2011" and it brought up several articles.  One on the Today Show website had a link to where you could actually input your zip code for it to spit out what you are worth as a SAHM based on the number of kids you have & their ages in your area!  Check it out....

******insert link that would not work when I cut/pasted it here AND/OR picture of the check on that I printed & scanned to put here--just trust me.  When I put in my info, it spit out the following number.....******

$112,000?!?!  What?  Yeah, I'm printing this out to remind myself every single day what I'm worth.  Nothing hurts me to the core more than being accused of "lallygagging" or "eating bonbons" all day.  Even though I do receive a paycheck each month for my work from home, it's nice to be validated that the "unpaid" work is worth something too.  Hats off to all the under appreciated & unpaid stay-at-home-moms out there!  If I was paid my worth, I'd be able to afford those bonbons!

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