Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday

I turned 22 years old in May of 1998. Joel & I came home for the first weekend of our summer break. (yeah, yeah, I know you're counting on your fingers and NO, I was not done with college yet...I took the 4 1/2 year track) We'd been together for 2 1/2 years and both of us still had a semester left before graduation. Sitting on the loveseat of my parents' house, my mom brought me my birthday present. She sat it in front of me and said "Your dad is moving out June 1." WHOA! Joel tried to leave, my parents asked him to stay. And so this was the time my "Mayberry" began to dissolve and our family became a statistic.

I don't know all the details and don't care to know. What I do know is this--it doesn't hurt any less to be the child of divorcing parents when you're a grown up yourself. And I do believe that everything happens for a reason. My parents raised me in a loving, protective environment & home. I live by that example everyday as I am a mom now. This was a difficult time for me, my sister & especially my mom who did not want this for her and my dad. At the time we didn't know, but it's purpose is all coming full circle in our lives today. Everything DOES happen for a reason...

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